
Three Best Things About Working At Hayden, According To Rodney Lewis.

For a lot of people, having a good work-life balance is a goal to be achieved, but for the employees at Hayden Industrial, it’s just another part of the job. A business is nothing without its employees, so we do our best to go above and beyond to create a work environment that acts as a launching pad for each of our team members to grow and prosper. We want to support everyone at Hayden to be the best versions of themselves, and someone who encapsulates this pursuit perfectly is Rodney Lewis.

We spoke to Rodney about his first year employed at Hayden, and here are a few of the things he enjoys most:

Upward Mobility:

Too often, companies don’t take the extra steps needed to foster and grow the talents and skillsets of their employees. That's not how we operate. At Hayden, you’re really only limited by how hard you’re willing to work, and we do our best to provide the resources needed for our team members to grow. According to Rodney, this was one of the first things he noticed about how Hayden treats its people.

“I’ve also seen other people grow. Like I’ve seen guys start off working in assembly, but they wanted to become a welder so Hayden allows them to practice welding on their free time or lunch breaks and once they were able to pass the test, they actually let them join the department and moved them up.”

Work-Life Balance:

We understand life doesn’t always fit within a predictable schedule, and we do everything we can to accommodate and make sure that our team can get the job done without having to miss important things outside of work, an aspect of Hayden’s work life that’s allowed Rodney to spend more time with his kids.

Mistakes Are Treated As Learning Opportunities:

Mistakes are going to happen; it’s just how things work. While they’re never fun to deal with, it would be a waste to not use them as further opportunities to grow the talents of our employees. As a first-time quality inspection specialist, Rodney is entering uncharted territory in regards to some of the tasks we have him performing, and we do our best to create an environment where every mishap is a learning moment.

“I've learned so much. I mean, it's kind of new to me, cause I come from supervising structural welding to working in quality. Overall, I am learning a lot of new skills."

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